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Horrible PJ's (Pls Dont blame me)!!!!

wh at is PJ???

phaltu joke..

what is P+i J ???

complex phaltu joke...

why dont we laugh on a it???

coz the joke part is imaginary!!!

Whats the opposite of Real??



Becuase it is 'Na-Real'

i'll write a book an pjs and dedicate it to whom? our president....why
scroll down for answer


coz he is mr. a.P.J.abdul kalam

what is the vector form of sridevi????
ANS : - TABU!!!!

confused???? why????
ok i'l tell you...

. because.
. sridevi did chandni and tabu did chandni bar!!!!!

What would Dharmendra say to Hema Malini if he wants to tell her to call
him up...?






































Ring De Basanti )

A dentist was examining a patient having a highly contageous deadly disease....
As soon he opens the patients mouth the disease gets transferred to the doctor... how??


...Because the patient had a bluetooth !!

three cockroaches were going on the road, suddenly one of them started singing the song -- AASHIQ BANAYA AAPNE.

Few mins later, all the three cockroaches died......any idea why?????

COZ the song is HIT......

Source: The World Wide Web!
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