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Baby's Hair Is Too Long For Passport!

Cute baby Eden Lurie might look as pretty as a picture, but her hair is too long for a passport photo.

Her mum thought the photographic assistant was joking when she was told the four-month-old's locks were too spiky.

And she was horrified with the end result when her baby was given a virtual reality haircut by computer to comply with regulations.

Kate, from Prestwich, told the Manchester Evening News: "When I was told Eden's hair was too long, I just couldn't believe it.

"I know passport photos have to be a certain size, but this is ridiculous."

A photographer took the picture on a digital camera, and Kate and Eden waited for them to be developed.

But Kate was shocked when the assistant walked over and said the photo would have to be retaken.

She told the newspaper: "I told them Eden's hair would look exactly the same if they took more photos, and they would have to smooth it down with gel or water.

"In the end they decided to touch up the photos on a computer. I'm so amazed by what happened I've been telling my friends and showing them the picture. They are as astonished as me.

"The funny thing is that the touched-up photo of Eden looks nothing like her. If I was to get a passport for her tomorrow, anyone who looked at it would not be able to recognise her."

Tough new rules for passport photos introduced by the Identity and Passport Service have caught out hundreds of holidaymakers and business people.

Photos can be rejected if the subject is smiling, not looking at the camera, or if the image is not framed correctly.

A five-year-old girl had her passport form rejected when an official said the bare shoulders on her photograph could offend Muslims.

Source: The World Wide Web!
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