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Inmate Who Had Sex With Guards, Goes Back in Jail

A man who allegedly had sex with two female Prince William County corrections officers while he was under house arrest is back in jail. Authorities say the 23-year-old violated the terms of his work release.

He is serving the remaining three weeks of his sentence at the Rappahannock County jail.

Two Prince William corrections officers are accused of having sexual relations with the man.

Maria Torres-Corbin and Tamara Fay Bonos were charged with carnal knowledge of an inmate.

Officials say neither of the women knew about the other one.

Although the sex was consensual, officials say it's a crime because of the custodial relationship.

Prince William jail officials say the inmate skipped his scheduled work, left early without permission and visited Bonos at her home.

Source: The World Wide Web! - Back to Homepage

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