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Toddler Found High on Cocaine at Church Preschool!

FL -- Promise Land Academy, a part of the First Baptist Church of Mandarin, is the center of an investigation involving an 18-month-old little girl who tested positive for cocaine.

Pastor Gary Williams, a pastor at the church, says he was shocked to hear the news. Williams says the child has been a student at the center since she was an infant.

According to police, on Monday, the little girl was dropped off at the child care by her mom.

The police report says a child care worker, who is also related to the child's mother, called the mom saying the little girl was acting "irritable and not like herself."

The child's parents picked her up and noticed she was not acting right, so they took her to Wolfson Children's Hospital. Doctors there ran tests. Tests later confirmed the child had cocaine in her system.

The Department of Children and Families began to investigate, as did JSO. Drug tests were done on child care workers.

"People were tested on the spot. No one checked out," says Williams.

The parents were also tested. Those tests also came back negative.

"The mystery remains how cocaine got into the child's system," says JSO spokesperson Ken Jefferson.

First Coast News has learned the child care does not have a license with the state. It doesn't have to have one. It is what is called religious exempt, which means DCF does not regulate the child care.

"We're still involved when it comes to religious far as making sure the background checks are complete," says John Harrel of DCF.

The school is licensed with the Association of Christian Schools International. ACSI says the child care has been licensed with the agency for 10 years and has two unannounced inspections a year.

The agency also reported to DCF annually on the health and safety conditions of the facility.

ACSI says Promise Land Academy has no record of any complaints or problems. It says the child care has always been in compliance with all regulations.

Source: The World Wide Web!
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