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Student Claims to Find Mouse in Chips!

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - A middle school student's claim of finding a mouse inside a bag of Frito-Lay barbecue potato chips purchased at a school lunch line appears credible, Lewis-Palmer School District 38 officials said Thursday.

The eighth-grade boy opened the bag of chips during a lunch period Wednesday, district spokeswoman Donna Wood said. A vice principal and the principal of the school interviewed the student's parents and other children who were sitting at the table, and determined the incident did not appear to be a prank.

Frito-Lay is investigating and the district has temporarily pulled all chips from its vending machines and lunch lines, Wood said.

A message left by The Associated Press at Frito-Lay's Colorado Springs office was not immediately returned.

A service of the Associated Press(AP)

Source: The World Wide Web!
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