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Ear discomfort/ache and flying

During air travel, rapid pressure changes in the cabin are common. Normally, the ear responds to pressure changes by equalizing the pressure on each side of the eardrum.

* During sudden, significant pressure changes, as may be experienced during air travel, the ear’s balancing mechanism (the Eustachian Tube) may be unable to keep up with the rate of pressure change, resulting in earache or general discomfort in your ears and sinuses.
* Significant changes in air pressure usually occur during takeoff, landing, or while the aircraft is passing through zones of turbulence.


* One way to remedy ear discomfort during takeoff and landings is to swallow or yawn repeatedly, as these actions may help equalize pressure in the ear.
* Another technique that works for many is chewing gum. The act of chewing facilitates swallowing and jaw movement, which may help equalize pressure on the eardrum.

If you have a cold, it may not be safe for you to fly. Consult your doctor. Flying, when you are heavily congested, may result in severe damage to or rupture of the eardrum.

* If your congestion is minor, taking a decongestant before the flight may make you more comfortable while flying. Time the dose so that it will remain in effect during the entire period that you are airborne.
* As with any medication, discuss taking the decongestant with your doctor or pharmacist.
* Read the brochure accompanying any medicine to ensure that its ingredients do not conflict with other medications you are taking.
* Avoid talking a decongestant or cold remedy that has caffeine, as taking caffeine may contribute to jet lag.

Personally I used to get crazy earache and actually could not control crying cause of pain, a lot of people advice Earplugs, my personal experience is not so good with it, in fact Etihad Airways taught me not to use Ear Plugs nor Cotton wool, as the same will not allow the air pressure to pass.
I stopped using it and have benefited.
Another remedy which was told to me by a fellow passenger once and the same has been working wonders for me.

* 2 days before flying start using nasal drops and the congestion shall go.
* Also at least thrice a day, again 2 days before flying, blow few balloons; about 10 each time.

This may sound funny but it helps open up the congestion path and since then I have never had any earache while flying.

Source: The World Wide Web!
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