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Child tips off cops to drug-dealing mom!

MILWAUKEE (AP) A 28-year-old mother was arrested after her 6-year-old daughter tipped police off to her drug dealing ways.

The girl was interviewed by police Friday after her father reported she had been hit in the face with a curling iron while visiting her mother earlier in the week, Milwaukee Police Capt. Darlene Jenkins said.

Jenkins said the girl was wise to her mother's cocaine dealing, telling them she chops up a white substance, puts it in bags and takes them - and the girl - to alleys. There, people gave the mother money for the bags, police said the girl recounted.

The mother of four was arrested after police found 55 bags of cocaine worth about $20 each at the woman's home.

She was being held Saturday pending charges of child abuse and possession with intent to sell, Jenkins said.

Source: The World Wide Web!
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